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The4thReich Because History Always Repeats.

A public servants job is to serve the public. They are not taking a job to enrich themselves by distroying others. 

To understand a working public servant serves this job and if he or she finds a path to private economic wealth he or she makes the choice to continue serving as a public servant or removes himself from this public position allowing someone else to fill the position. 

It has been a long time in the rebuilding of the Reich. It is also know as the One World Order. When Russell Martin I, first heard The One World Order it was with President George Bush Senior reporting we all need to join the One World Order. Today it is rebranded and more a secret controlled society. I look at politicians hearing evidence in the Democratic Party and Rhino allegience. So you understand I do not believe we will see someone standing up declaring they are the leader of The4thReich. I believe there are  groups who are exerting control over governments, economies, and legal systems. This process is big and needs money leading to corruption and erosion of constitutional rights of “We The People”

Other countries are running from the American dollar and government pressures coming from the United Nations and United States by creating a new monitary money exchange system called BRICS.

The powerful countries are telling United States to go fuck off.  Other countries are organizing behind the truthfulness of Vladimir Putin, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil etc. These countries all joined BRICS and now Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. But are they are they telling more? George Soros is band from Russia and China. If he enters he will be arrested. The point is that there are organization such as World Health Organization that President Donald Trump took United State out of.  President Biden put us back into WHO. The point is look at the location of each organization. The question of thought is The One World Order, or now labeled as The4thReich who wants control of United States military to take control of Russia and is using the Ukraine as a stepping stone to Russia a NAZI organization?

The Truth is that “We The People” need to clean our own house before we try to take control of other countries.  

A label of The4thReich has been attached for the organizations whos inappropriate actions are taking control of “We The People”. NAZI’s is given to these individuals because they have committed obvious crimes that they cannot be held accountable for in the current 4thReich legal system. You see people in YouTube knowingly or unknowing serving a corrupt system. The question is how far up the chain of command does The4thReich control. LivRight looks at the United States president Joe Biden; is he receiving commands from unknown organization(s)? Is this unknow organization paying for legal actions against Donald Trump? We will never know…

This is just coming out now…

The label is for “We The People” identify and avoid and due to this new database I am sure it will quickly grow. Russell Martin reports that if it is so obvious to him it must be happening to other people thoughout United States and other countries. 

It is simple to corrupt the police, sheriffs, lawyers, judges, elected people and politicians it is called a payroll. The system is progressive by nature of an individual to get along and recieve income thus being corrupted by The4thReich business model. 

 The4Reich is clear and transparent influencing professionals. I have listed all of these public servants whom have all been given notice to clean up there business. There will be more. They refused.. They have forced me to build a system to protect myself from the tyranny of The4thReich. Because of events I see the deterioration of the legal system as well as how The4thReach is controlling the flow of money and power. 


The One World Order & Other NAZI Organizations.

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