World War 3
World War 3 Is Happening Now...
World War 3 Is Not Going To Be A War of Troops, Guns and Tanks.

America is Be Taken Over With Payrolls and Corruption To Serve The4thReich.
America is going to be taken over by government public servants extortion and corruption. The government office is for sale. The question is? Who is buying at the top of the food chain? Look at United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum etc. Look at the leaders and who they are. Special interest groups in America are out of control, our legal and government systems are selling their allegiance for a payroll and vote. Look at the obvious, no one would allow transgender to compet with women if someone was not buying the leaders to allow it. This is disruption and misdirection while war is conducted in the Ukraine.
Are the Democrats & Rhinos Buying A Vote With High Payrolls.
The most important to understand is that across America the political & legal systems are ignoring the Constitution for profit and other nefarious activities of voting and power. Look at the Donald Trump legal case for an example of the legal extortion & corruption. The Constitution is the law of the land. The Constitution has survived 235 years. The Constitution is respected and immulated by other counties. The Constitution is losing World War 3. It is time to defend our Constitution the same as our grand fathers who gave their lives in WW2. We do not have to give up our lives we just have to follow the leadership of a LivRight BoyCott.
What is the next threat on the Constitution?
The Social Score. I think of it as a NAZI SS system for income and move to control “We The People”
Is Social Score a system to over power the Constitution?
The Social Score is a threat to the Constitution of the United States. Therefor a threat to the individual.
Wake Up America. This coruption in government needs to be stopped.
All of the Universities, News Media systems are paid money to talking about the Social Score. How it works, but they never disclose how it is a threat to the Constituion of the United States. The Social Score is a One World Order tool to make you obay. Who would be the governing authority of the database?
World War 3 - Defending The Constitutions Around The World
My Battle With The Legal System Is A Example Of What Is Happening To Other People.
Search my case Russell Martin the judges refused me a jury trial. This is a Constitution Right and Nevada State Law. If the jury trial is removed from the legal process corruption will put men and women in jail for crimes they did not commit. When these judges develop a meglomaniac personality disord and ignor the law they need to be removed from public service.
Where Is The FBI?
The problem is that the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation is being controlled and will not communicate. I submitted all my documents to the FBI. They advertised on highway signs for business but my business was against the corruption of the system they serve. They ignor the Constitution by not respoonding. This is the glass wall.
An Example of HollyWood doing Its Part To Brainwash "We The People"
Spider Man: No Way Home
Spyderman and his friends are denied acceptance into MIT college. The college tells Spyderman he is not excepted and his friends are informed that do to their allegiance to Spyderman as friends they are not excepted. This is a form of brainwashing the next generation to follow the leadership of The4thReich. If you protest as we want you to protest supporting the Democrating Party “The4thReich” You will be accepted, granduated and receive a handsome payroll job.