LivRight Submit A Complaint Disclosures & Instruction
Submitting A Claim for Action / Under Construction
Your problem is just beginning and you must document everything. Make it public records. Read everthing that happened to Russell Martin.
First – Submit only one person or corporation on each Claim for Complaint. To start the process on a second individual or corporation submit another claim. LivRight database registeres the Complaint individually for other professionals to manage.
Understand LivRight Terms and Conditions. Under Construction
Understand that the documents you submit must be public recorded documents. This makes it public records. The process of review and disclosure is most powerful to “We The People”
Understand that the United States power has endless amounts of money and 100 plus years of managing, developing, writting laws to organize corruption.
Understand that United States is no longer protecting “We The People” under the Constitution. Donald Trump is an example at the highest levels of court. Donald Trump is guilty but 34 charges, timing of lawsuit, reason for charges? So what? Why is it important for Robert Di Nero to rant? Who paid him? This means that a police officer, lawyer, judge, public servant and including crazy people will commit crimes to create profit without fear of “We The People” the constitution.
A crime supports the existance of the police and legal system.
The best example of my legal issue was the movie Shawshank Redemption. The corrupt legal system would have put me Russell Martin in jail for a crime I did not commit if Robert Moos showed up in court. The judge was ready and willing to manipulate the court room naritive. She did not get the opportunity because Robert Moos was in fear not knowing the full events in process.
The Power Of LivRight Serving You Is The Database.
The power of a database. Police, lawyers, judges, politicians and public servants home address is hidden in public search records. You cannot search a public servant for good reasons of their protections. However again this is a problem. If a police officer, public servant becomes rogue and submits his life to The4thReich the neighbors can search LivRight and know that they want no converstation with this person. The family members can make a decision to continue their existance surviving with this persons income who is committing criminal crimes to profit and is protected by Judicial Immunity or move on without them. “We The People” can submit the location of this person to LivRight.