Russell Martin Defendant Las Vegas NV

The World Justice League

Be A Patriot

Vote To Control Government Public Servants

World Justic League

Based on the Public Disclosures most recent judge Judge Diane Sullivan has violated the Constitutional Rights of Russell Martin by refusing to follow laws and mandates.

World War 3

Russell Martin’s skills and developing knowledge allowed him to realize that he had no power in the courts. All of the judges are following the Nevada State business model of corruption for profit. Russell Martin looked at how he could create fear in a judge before a court proceeding and realized there are no options. The problem was so big that it required a database, business model and the World to put power of “We The People” under the Constitution back into our legal system. When Russell Martin looked at the overall objective he realized that this is World War 3.

Legal Professionals

Russell Martin realize that the skills of legal professionals from around the world are truthfull and objective because they have no fear of lose of license to practice law. Professionals out side of the jurisdiction of United States are not at risk of losing their license to practice law. All current lawyers in United States are following the same business model and mandates to create income by supporting The4thReich. This is not a legal system.

It is clear that Russell Martin has documented the corruption of the legal and political system in Las Vegas. The system in United States is going to require a revolution defining the difference of an American Patriot or a Politician, public servant, legal professional who is selling their sole to the gods of money and power labeled as NAZI’s. America “We The People” need to root out the corruption and give leadership to the world that America is resolute.

Read More Details Below.

LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and engage other around the world stop corruption in the police, legal, political and public servants systems.

This objective is just the beginning. 

LivRight Mission Statement

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant

Four and a half years ago Robert Moos attacked me. He had premeditated thoughts in his head to make me submit to his authority. At the time I was not aware of his attention to me. I was polite and disclosing to Robert Moos that Chris did not want to play.  He did not listening just commanding “You Are Not Playing”. However while I was in jail I began thinking about what happened. When he removed himself from the court to confront me as a police officer he was committing premeditated thoughts of agression to make me submit to his objective. When he turned his racquet to the position of a hatchet striking me on the forehead he committed felony assult attempted murder. Because he is a professional he is trained in thinking and intent of combat.

I had no idea that a freight train of corruption was coming my way. What we see happening with Donald Trump is happening at the lowest levels of courts and legal systems. The question is, is freedom an illusion until we need The Constitution of the Unites States to protect us. Corruption in the legal system is out of control. It is going to get worse. While attending court I witness other men confused as to what was happening to them. I was confused and trusting in the Constitution and laws to protect me.  The people who run the State of Nevada police and legal system as well as other states are clearly manifesting corruption to justify income. The police and legal system profit from making false arrests. How far are the governments of public servants willing to go to create income. If America “We The People” and people around the world do not wake up and take action our freedoms will be completely deminished. I discovered that public servants do not want to disclose their names. When I looked at this over 4 years I began to see “We The People” vs “The4thReich” United States government people Democrats and Rhinos who do not care how the police and legal system perform as long as they get their payroll. This is in our Democrat party and Rhinos.