The Power of a BoyCott
BoyCott: Boycotts can be powerful tools for expressing dissent or effecting change. They typically involve refusing to buy, use, or support certain products, services, or organizations as well as individuals as a form of protest or advocacy. Boycotts can target a variety of issues, including labor practices, environmental concerns, human rights violations, or legal and political actions. While they can be effective in raising awareness and putting pressure on entities to change their behavior, they can also be controversial and have unintended consequences. Like any form of protest, they require careful consideration and strategy. What specifically are you thinking of boycotting or interested in discussing?
A BoyCott is the only public tool short of physical war with guns and military power. An individual has no power. The government and legal systems pray on an individual. Today an individual with LivRight database and little skillls has power.
American’s have lost the protection of the Constitution of the United State. The public needs to know that there is hope when action is engaged. The public needs to unite and stand against issues of government corruption and tyranny. Our political leaders and public servants are selling away our rights of freedom. When you look in the right places you will find who is buying the allegiance of public servants. The problem is the organization buying the allegiance with your tax money. To stop this infringment on the public every individual, business and public servant who does not serve the objective of LivRight is guilty of being a NAZI operative. Therefore they will be labeled as a NAZI. To understand who a NAZI is look at WORLD WAR II when the people living next to concentration camps did nothing. They were as guilty as the guards who herded jews into the gas chambers.

Challenging a Corrupt Legal System
When a corrupt police & legal system attacks an individual the individual discovers he has no power under the Constitution. Because the legal system is united under the umbrella of State government supported public sales tax money. This keeps the police, lawyers, judges and politicians loyal to repeat corruption and tyranny over and over. Public servant protection is “Judicial Immunity”. Public servants no longer fear the Constitution of the United States. For more information The4thReich

BoyCott State of Nevada - Las Vegas To Protect and Restore the Power of The Constitution of the United States.
What happens in Las Vegas does not stay in Las Vegas.
Foot Note:
Remember what happened in Las Vegas, 50 people killed and 500 injured. Not one single shot was returned by the police department. It will happen again. Why was Maui, Sonoma County, Paradise, and other regions fires started in the dark of night and supported by high winds? Hmmm? In Las Vegas killing all pictures and videos where sequestered by the legal system.
Disruption of Businesses
Because Las Vegas casinos, entertainment, conventions, restaurants, vendors and airlines are the true power in State of Nevada the companies and employees will be affected. Most of them have security departments that are well aware of the criminal police objectives to arrest and extort. They will get involved by demanding the resignation of the listed LivRight public servants. The quicker they serve this objective the quicker business will return to a safer environment for all. LivRight Mission Statement
Rosa Park, Budweiser, Disneyland BoyCotts changed the World.
1. Rosa Parks arrested on 1 December 1955, the Montgomery bus boycott was a 13-month mass protest that ended with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that segregation on public buses is unconstitutional.
2. Budweiser BoyCott has disrupted the gross income of Budweiser. However the message is short lived.
3. Disneyland is again going to be the same as Budweiser a short term disruption in business.
4. The Constitution of the United State is the supreme law of the land and from time to time needs to be defended and protected. This is now the time.
Las Vegas is the second largest police city in United States. Las Vegas sets leadership standards for United States.