Carolyn Goodman Las Vegas Mayor or Servant of The4thReich?

Be A Patriot
Vote To Control Government Public Servants

It is clear that Russell Martin has documented the corruption of the legal and political system in Las Vegas. The system in United States is going to require a revolution defining the difference of an American Patriot or a Politician, public servant, legal professional who is selling their sole to the gods of money. America needs to root our the corruption and give leadership to the world that America is resolute.

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant
Carolyn Goodman is a backstabbing politician. Weak and worthless to “We The People” She will not continue her career. If she was running for election again I would make sure the people in Las Vegas would vote for a pig before electing to vote for her.
Carolyn Goodman’s as well as her son Judge Eric Googman are NAZI SS operatives. The question is how does a JEW become a NAZI?
I was very polite when I gave her documentation and an outline of how the police department was arresting people for profit. Her son violating the Constitution of the United States. She rolled over like a true politician and did nothing. She wanted to maintain her status without ruffling her history as a mayor. I presume her leadership is nothing more than being a puppet of The4thReich.
Carolyn Goodman Mayor or “Nazi SS Leader”
Carolyn Goodman Mayor is a leader of Las Vegas: albeit a great messenger of positive being Mayor requires doing what is right. Criminal crimes that maybe perpetuated on the citizens she serves by the police and legal system is a serious issue. Her leadership is accordingly to be an ambassador to invite people to her safe and secure city. I went to her city counsel meeting three times giving her proof and documentation that the police, lawyers, and judges are committing chargeable offences and she closed her eyes and put up a glass wall. The city counsel members are just as guilty as Carolyn Goodman Mayor. They all need to be address by LivRight and branded as (Nazi SS). The business model of the City of Las Vegas is “The4thReich” the same may exist in your State, County or City. The business model and individuals who profit from the business model need to be removed from service. Click on Nazi Criminal Business Model.
How To Fight Back
When you go through the process of understanding you will quickly begin the process of asking how do I fight? Because I realize that any attorney is not your asset. I had to develop another tool or tools to create legal justice. I have turned this website, database and markeing over to the World of programmers and SEO professionals. There is no justice in a police officers, lawyers, judges or politician when The4theReich exists. The last and only justice is with a jury court only a jury or you are fucked. So how do you get a jury? ????????? Follow the Leadership of LivRight.
Carolyn Goodman (Nazi SS Leader)
Carolyn Goodman Mayor was sent documents that represented Mr. Martin did not commit the charges. Carolyn Goodman was sent documents that public defenders Jake Gullo, Katrina Ross and professionals within the legal system violated my Constitutional Rights to a fair trial as well as public defenders who are honest and forthright. Carolyn Goodman closed her eyes, put up a glass wall and followed the leadership of “The4thReich”. Her police people, public defenders and judges are criminals committing chargeable offenses but she knows that her city is profiting from the business model. Carolyn Goodman objective of power is to maintain power.
What Were The Signs: Carolyn Goodman Mayor is a (Nazi SS Leader)
People are killed by police officers and we see it in the news everyday thanks to Black Lives Matter. I was attacked by Robert Moos a retired police officer who knows the system will protect him. Robert Moos is your typical megalomaniac police officer who believes he is impowered to commit a criminal act. This is true… Due to Nazi members like Carolyn Goodman a police officer like Robert Moos becomes a threat to citizens like me when trying to enjoy a hour or two at the gym. Carolyn Goodman is an example of a mayor who covers up crimes committed by police, lawyers, judges specialist.
See Public Court Records for more information.
You have to question is Carolyn Goodman a NAZI? Does She Know It?
When the whole legal system is creating false documents, withholding evidence, withholding police video’s and tampering with existing videos. As a mayor you have to investigate or you are involved with the business model of The4thReich.
Are the Judges NAZI SS?
I challenged the witness statements with the judge Michael Villiani and this started the discovery that I was in a criminal court room with intent on finding me guilty for a felony. It is not about what the judge said when he called me a “LIAR” it was that he did not check the statements as true… Steven Wolfson District Attorney is putting up a glass wall to protect his police, lawyers, and judges. He needs to be remove from office as well as Aaron Ford. He is manipulati9ng judge Diane Sullivan who is gladely following the leadership of the criminal legal system.
Carolyn Goodman has received all these documents and disclosures. If you navigated to this point you can download the documents to read they are all public court recorded documents.
Chris Adamson Public Defender Jake Gullo False Witness Testimony
Chris Adamson Real Notized Witness Testimony
This is Small Claims Judge Eric Goodman Public Court Transcript.
The actions of Eric Goodman in small claims represents the legal system is corrupt. There is more and much more. Read about the other judges, lawyers, police.
Chris Adamson Public Defender Jake Gullo False Witness Testimony
Chris Adamson Real Notized Witness Testimony
Monday Night Attack By Robert Moos Retired Police Chief.
Small Claims Judge Eric Goodman Public Court Transcript.
Complaint Judge Eric Goodman Small Claims
The actions of Eric Goodman in small claims represents the legal system is corrupt. There is more and much more. Read about the other judges, lawyers, police.
Las Vegas Metro Police Declaration of Arrest
Las Vegas Metro Police Declaration of Arrest Blacked Out
Las Vegas Metro Police Arrest Document Charges
Las Vegas Police Who Is AJ Pollock First Arrest Report
Picture of Robert Moos back of head. No damages to front of face.
Picture of Robert Moos back of head.