Carl Arnold Attorney Public Defender or NAZI?

Carl Arnold

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Carl Arnold Outside Public Defender in Las Vegas was assigned to Russell Martin. He was arrogant and representing a superiority behavior when in contact with Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin presented documents to Carl Arnold and Mr. Arnold represented that he would draft a Notice of Motion the change plea from No-Contest to Not Guilty. This was done and succeeded. Then Mr. Arnold represented to Mr. Martin that he would submit a Notice of Motion to have charges dropped. Mr. Martin watched as Carl Arnold was called to the bench with prosecutor for a meeting with the current judge. When he returned the next court date was rescheduled. Carl Arnold failed to return Mr. Martin’s phone calls and refused to file Notice of Discharge of charges. He clearly adopted the glass wall technec. Shortly after Mr. Martin recognized the change in objectives and failing to build a defense for court.

Be aware of any attorney.  Create your own plan and if the attorney will not follow discharge them and find another.  Look around the world for a proper attorney and leadership.

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LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police, legal systems, and public servants of government.  LivRight Mission Statement

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant

Carl Arnold Outside Public Defender in Las Vegas was assigned to me, Russell Martin. He was arrogant and representing a superiority behavior when in contact. He would only answer his phone when my wife called with her phone. I represent the documents to Carl Arnold and Mr. Arnold represented that he would draft a Notice of Motion to change plea from No-Contest to Not Guilty. This was done and succeeded. Then Mr. Arnold represented to Mr. Martin that he would submit a Notice of Motion to have charges dropped. Mr. Martin watched as Carl Arnold was called to the bench with prosecutor for a meeting with the current judge. When he returned the next court date was rescheduled. Carl Arnold failed to return my phone calls or emails and refused to file Notice of Discharge of charges. He clearly adopted the glass wall technec. Carl Arnold was being controlled by the legal NAZI system. Shortly after I new and  recognized the change in objectives and failing to build a defense for court. Carl was the third attorney I discharged.

Be aware of any attorney.  Create your own plan and if the attorney will not follow discharge them and find another.  Look around the world for a proper attorney and leadership.