Steven Wolfson District Attorney or "NAZI SS"?

Steven Wolfson Attorney

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Steven Wolfson District Attorney

Steven Wolfson has sadly lost his compass driven by the lust for income and desire for power. Steven Wolfson knows that the arrest report was a false claim of Felony Assault With A Deadly Weapon Upon An Elderly Person. He knows and gives leaderhsip to the police, prosecutors, defense attorney and now Judge Diane Sullivan to obstruct justice and find Russell Martin guilty of a crime he did not commit. This is why people go to jail for 20 years or more for crimes they did not commit. Steven Wolfson gives leadership to the objective of police officers to produce false arrest reports to induce a defendant like Russell Martin to employ an attorney to defend himself. The bills for Martin would be in excess of $20,000 to $100,000 dollars if a jury is engaged. Steven Wolfson knows that false witness reports, withholding of evidence, creation of false documents, pictures and videos being withheld and current videos representing deletion or tampering with police body videos.  Read Details Below.

LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police, legal system and public servants. 

LivRight Mission Statement

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant

Steven Wolfson is already district attorney. His lack of moral fiber has allowed him to become a leader in the NAZI system. The process of LivRight is to remove him from public service.

Steven Wolfson has sadly lost his compass driven by the lust for income and desire for power. Steven Wolfson knows that the arrest report was a false claim of Felony Assault With A Deadly Weapon Upon An Elderly Person. He knows and gives leaderhsip to the police, prosecutors, defense attorney and now Judge Diane Sullivan to obstruct justice and find Russell Martin guilty of a crime he did not commit. This is why people go to jail for 20 years or more for crimes they did not commit. Steven Wolfson gives leadership to the objective of police officers to produce false arrest reports to induce a defendant like Russell Martin to employ an attorney to defend himself. The bills for Martin would be in excess of $20,000 to $100,000 dollars if a jury is engaged. Steven Wolfson knows that false witness reports, withholding of evidence, creation of false documents, pictures and videos being withheld and current videos representing deletion or tampering with police body videos.  Read Details Below.

Las Vegas Police, Sheriffs Lawyers, Judges, District Attorneys, Attorney General have sadly lost there compass driven by income and power to serve the corrupt business model of The4thReich.